Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Lando's not a system, he's a verb...

We're working on developing a new IT application for our product development department. When we first started we were told that the user interface would be custom-designed and very intuitive. There is even an entire department here that specializes in user interface design and
best designs, etc.

We started working with these people and they were coming up with great ideas and we had these really cool screens designed. Then, the manager of our systems group who is in charge of the funding swoops in and says "that's great, but the new screens you develop need to fit into some generic templates that we've already had built." No big deal, we can work with that. Then every day after that we would come in with an idea on the screen, they would say "No, the template won't support that." So what started as "anything you want" has become "here's what your screens will look like, we don't care what you think the actual users will want to

We have dubbed it "being Landoed" as in:
"You said they would be left here under my protection…"
"I am altering the deal, pray I don't alter it any further…"

1 comment:

Joel said...

Best. Blog title. Ever.